Background and Description

Work Package 6 aims to be the bridge that puts the scientific results of EUCP into the hands of those who can use them. Communication is crucial for a project such as EUCP, and Work Package 6 ensures effective communication both within the project and with external partners and users (including via the EUCP newsletter). The team makes sure the Work Packages communicate well with each other, fostering the cross-collaboration and inter-connection essential to the successful completion and delivery of the project’s goals. The need to also ensure strong, up-front engagement with a variety of stakeholders and end users is essential to EUCP. These users include the European Commission and its funded programmes and projects, national meteorological services around Europe including their collaborative bodies, and large international organisations with their more specialised programmes and end users. Work Package 6 ensures a coordinated involvement of users both within and between work packages. This Work Package draws on a range of stakeholders, including the External Expert Advisory Board and two Multi-User Forums (one for policymakers and one for practitioners, but often approached jointly) to advise on how to make best practical use of EUCP scientific developments and how to most effectively communicate them.


Work Package 6 works on delivering the products of the EUCP project, ensuring EUCP is recognised as an authoritative, seamless prediction system. This supports the user engagement aspects of EUCP objectives 2 and 3 and particularly supports objective 4. This Work Package coordinates the handling of data, metadata and other information in order to match the requirements of other projects, particularly the Copernicus Climate Change Service. More specifically, the objectives are to:

  • Define the EUCP documentation and standards and implement them through cross-project activities.
  • Make EUCP data available to scientists and end users through the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), building upon the software architecture developed for the C3S MAGIC project.
  • Develop a flexible analytics platform to assess the data and allow computing of the desired products.
  • Facilitate re-use of the product blending algorithms in line with the FAIR data principles, adding flexibility to the climate4impact framework developed in the IS-ENES2 project.
  • Exploit EUCP science to assess scientific robustness of project outputs.
  • To capitalise on end users’ expectations of usefulness and value of project outputs.
  • To ensure the delivery of an authoritative climate prediction system.

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